Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sooo BIG

Brooklyn is getting so big it is hard to belive that 1 year ago today I was just preparing for Brooke tobe 1 month old and thinking "man where did the time go?"

Brooke at birth (and when I say birth I mean birth)

Brook 1 day old :(

Brooke about 1-2 months

Brooke about 10 months

And Brookie at 1

Time fies by so fast I now have a kindergartener and a 1 year old who is starting to walk. I try not to blink my eyes and cherish every moment while my kids still want me to be around and do everything with them, because I know one day no matter how much I pray it doesn't happen my kids will think that it is uncool to have me around no matter how hard I try!!

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