Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Coy starts school :(

Monday August 18 was Coy's first day of school. To start out the day Josh turned my alarm off so we woke up late with only 5 minutes to get dressed and eat breakfast, we made it though! (luckly the school is like .45 miles from our apartment)
When I walked Coy into the school I prepared to have to leave him crying but no, no crying the only thing he told me was mom I think that I am going to be shy today:( What a sweetheart!
Later that day around 3 I went to pick him up from school that is where he told me that he didn't want me to walk him into the school anymore I should just drop him off at the door WHAT?! My baby has in one day started his first day of school and has become too "cool" for his mom to walk him to the classroom. Well I will say that I am still walking him to his classroom today (3rd day at school). Oh and when I picked Coy up yesterday from school we where doing the how was your day at school and he was telling me about art class, reading, playtime, and the bully on the playground woah back up BULLY? really in kindergarten, Coy told me that this "bully" was chasing him and his friend around the playground when I asked him why he didn't tell the teacher he said because they where scared that "bully" would hit them. Ugg I dont want Coy getting bullied so I told him to just run to the teacher if he does it again and the "bully" wont hit him. I dont want to be "that" mom who goes up to school on the 4th day of school!

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